If you are considering buying an invisible dog fence, and are wondering if you can install it during the winter, with snow still on the ground, that is the issue that we will be addressing here.
The answer to that question is the same as the answer to so many other questions – it depends. It depends on what type of fence you are planning to get. If you are planning on getting a wired fence, then in all likelihood you will have to wait until summer, or at least spring, to install your fence.
If you were planning on a wired fence, but you need it installed right away, the alternatives are 1) try to find an installer who will do it right away (this will probably cost you several hundreds of dollars if you can find one), or 2) buy a wireless fence . You can install the wireless fence yourself, and the money that you save on the installation will probably pay for the wireless fence. Then, when summer rolls around, if there are some issues with the wireless system, you can get a wired system and install it. Or, if the wireless system doesn't have any issues, you can just keep on using it.
Keep in mind that the wireless fence is portable…all it needs is a place to plug in and it's operational. So, if you do any traveling, you can take the unit along if your destination has an area that is conducive to setting it up. For example, when we go to visit our son in Maple Grove, MN, we can take our wireless unit along, plug it in in the laundry room, and Duke can go outside and play just as if we were at home. With some dogs you may have to put out some flags, but if you restrict the size of the area, that isn't a big deal.
So my recommendation is, if you are getting an invisible dog fence during the winter, when the ground is frozen and snow covered, and you need it operational right away, get a wireless fence.